Friday, October 13, 2006

Grandpa T.

His name was Elmer Thompson-E.T. for short- and he was the first to die.
It happened on the eighteenth hole of the Teton Golf Course. He tapped his ball into the hole, and the game was over. It was all over. Heart attack, they said. We'll put up a bench in his memory.
I was in third grade.

Growing up with E.T., as my mother remembers, was always an adventure. He was an entrepreneur, a business man who always let his gentle disposition lose him money. He ran a little old fashioned grocery store and gas station, like the A&P in John Updike's short story. He was always a little quiet. But while he was shy he had a beautiful voice and beautiful generosity. Many renters of the trailer park boarded free, and many workers came into the store for complimentary sandwiches and beer. That was my grandpa; pure, unrestrained, kindness... mixed with a little cheer.

I remember him in a wool golf hat. Like a shoemaker elf, he was always busy fixing something for somebody else. He smelled like leather, and work, and something naturally sweet and good. When he and Grandma would come and stay, he would sit down with us at dinner and say to my dad, "So, Doc, what's the news?" I remember looking at a picture of him at a tap-dance recital with his dancing partner, and not comprehending that this other woman was not my grandmother. I have never seen two people more fully in love than my grandparents, and it is through their relationship that my ideals of courtship and marriage blossomed. My grandpa never had a piano lesson, but he played wonderfully by ear, and to her he sang those old songs that come in the big ballad books.
"That damn piano," Grandma would say.
But then she would smile, because she loved him.
We all did.


Nedge said...

Very good! Good start! My grandpa E. also passed away from heart attack while doing a favorite pastime; fishing. He was also always making something or fixing something...(lapses into memory...)

Joslynn said...

This is how we are the same.

Anonymous said...

Okay we're going to try this again. I think those are some wonderfull memories that you have of your grandfather. It's great that you are writing them down so that you don't forget. It's funny how much we take our grandparents for granted then when they are gone we want to hold onto their mrmory.

Anonymous said...

Memory sorry I can't spell

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! Thank you for doing this for our family. It means a lot to me that you would take the time and celebrate these wonderful individuals. I love you! Sasha Mari

Anonymous said...

yeah no kidding josi-such a good writer