Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A birfday post for June

The grand old birthday book is a part of our history; because of its goodness, it will be an irreversible element of our future. But how did the tradition start?

Shirsti and Koseli were born a mere five days from each other. Not in the same year of course, but June 8 is followed with astounding speed by June 13. Cake and presents to a toddler is something which stirs jealousy, anger, and minor tantrums. Thus, the book tradition was born. Dad commanded the girls to say nice things about each other on their birthdays in order to keep the peace in the Christensen home.

Kudos, Dad.

And kudos to you two, too, Sheepy and Kos. You've come a long way from the hair pulling, biting, and yelling that used to go on around this time.
Oh, wait... I helped with that too.

Happy birthday, girls. You are two of the brightest, sparkliest, most beautiful gems I know, and I'm lucky to be your sister.


Original Kos said...

Joslynn- what a lovely post! I appreciate your blog dedicated to us June bugs. I'm happy to be your sister too. p.s. the bronx zoo was awesome and I am soooo tired from walking around all day.

Anonymous said...

thank-oo thank-oo jossi!!! what a sweet thing to say. bytheway, i am currently trying to find you--is your cell phone off? are you home alone? call me back girlfriend